DemiPhase℠ – DemiCerebral NeuroPhasing

DemiPhase℠ – DemiCerebral NeuroPhasing.

i ! i CAUTION ! i ! Only listen to these frequencies and other sound designs presented here if you are ready to cross the boundaries of the known, physical reality into the eternal truths of real Metaphysics. These productions are being created for the specific purpose of stimulating the access to experiences that are beyond ordinary perceptions.

Listen to “DemiCerebral NeuroPhasing” on Spreaker.

Although not everyone will respond the same to the intended activation potential of these sound designs, many will be, and you may happen upon some particular formulation of frequencies that unlocks the door to some particularly unexpected part of reality that you have not yet imagined existed or are prepared for.

Sonic frequencies are among the most readily manipulable , periodic keys to our underlying, eternal truth. All of us have a different set of combinations that will unveil this understanding to us in some way or the other. DO NOT proceed unless you are ready to enter a gateway from which can not be unknown once transcended.

For deeply personal reasons I have become a radically dedicated Thanatologist. I am searching for something, and if I happen to find it, you may not want to be exposed. However, for those that understand they are ready, proceed with discretion.

READ: Lucid Dreaming and the Illusion of Death

“I have had numerous encounters with people who have died very long ago, others who have died more recently, and have received information about people who will die in the future. I had been given several messages that told me over and over again that my wife was going to die long before me. It was as if I was being prepared for the loss. But I didn’t pay attention to it. Like most people, I shrugged it off and refused to accept that I would experience such a thing.”

*** You will best experience the benefits of these audios by listening with stereo speakers placed to the left and right of your head, with surround sound, or stereo headphones. Even if you don’t have these options, the pure, naked tones, notes, vibrations and rhythms will provide a relaxing and meditative atmosphere for you to feel energized, calm and revitalized.

Each track is designed to be put on loop to extend the time as much as you like without disturbance, or combined with any of the other DemiPhase℠ tracks for a complete, healing, meditation adventure.

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I’m A Killing Machine: Put The Knife Away Before I Plunge It Into Your Ass-Hole

Put The Knife Away Before I Plunge It Into Your Ass-Hole

I’m A Killing Machine

O.K. – So you believe that I am an assassin out to kill you. Why then make a big deal about it and wave a stick and a knife around when you can run?

Especially since you ran anyway when you saw that your 7-inch blade which is shorter than my cock by the way did not scare me.

My cock’s name is Godzilla. It is small for a chicken I know.

And you Mr. stick and knife wielding psycho; will have yourself decapitated with your own blade because that’s what I do.

I cut off heads with blades. And if it were not for the police showing up so soon that day at Universal City, your head would have come off.

You know I’m A Killing Machine and yet you tempt and tease the flesh-ripping, blood-letting talents to be expressed upon you.

There would have been no problem with your weak attempt at racism or your frowzy atmosphere. You can call be “Kobe” and say “what’s up black”?!

You can mock my instrument of music and my shoes. But dare not threaten the women and frighten the children.

That knife may have scared a lot of other people into panic. But my fear becomes channeled into destroying the source of the fear.

I eliminate threats with extreme prejudice. And not the flimsy prejudice you thought would arouse some pain in me.

Maybe if you were wearing a pointy white hatted sheet and had a gang of honkies with rifles and it was the year 1918 I may have trembled.

But you are a fucking jack-ass. And you looked like a canine bitch running from the pound when I unflinchingly advanced to your blade.

And I was the dog-catcher. You would have been euthanized. But then came the cops to save you from your would-be assassin. Me.

The police took so long I could have bled you in front of everyone and been long gone before a single siren could blare.

I’m A Killing Machine. That is what I was bred, born and raised to be. In the most occult of epigenetic labs was I made for the purpose.

My biological programming and psychological conditioning is far superior than you and most other so-called humans for the matters of murder.

Does it really make any sense that you would activate my attention upon you when indeed you know I’m A Killing Machine?

Maybe I should have had pity upon you instead of moving in for the kill. It could be that you are mentally unstable and need help.

But too bad the cops got you. Because if you keep ranting about assassins out to get you then you will end up with the psychiatrists.

And as we all know, psychiatrists will make you go insane with their psychopharmaceuticals even if you were never before afflicted with madness.

I was so thrilled at the idea of beating you with the metal buckle at the end of my green leather belt and then sawing your head off with your own knife.

You claimed to be a certified chef. I am the butcher. There would have been much blood.

And should I ever see you again; there will be blood. I’m A Killing Machine.

# # #

Following is a post copied from FaceBook on July 18th 2013

Apparently my reputation precedes me.

Today at noon a man boarded the bus on Ventura Blvd. and began threatning to crack people’s skulls with a stick he was carrying and to fillet them with a very large 6-8inch kitchen knife he had.

He focused on me because he thought I was “A Killing Machine” assassin out to strike and kill him.

So to protect the civilians I followed him to Universal Studios where the police apprehended him at around 12:19.

Now off to Whole Foods and then back to teach my assassin skills to my 6:30pm BootCamp group.”

Tears Of The Serpent: When The Venomous Cry

When The Venomous Cry

Tears Of The Serpent

You have probably never dared to look into the eyes of any serpents. Especially if you know they can poison you with a sting or a bite.

And if you do that sort of thing, then you may be a bit careless or else a trained expert in the handling and “charming of snake” and other such creatures.

But what I am laying the foundation for here is a metaphysical journey. An adventure in applied philosophy for the soothing of the mind impassioned by the heart.

This year happens to be the “Year of the Snake” as far as the Chinese Astrology is concerned.

Coiled up within the heart of the world is a venomous serpent. And it is time that we looked this beast in its eyes.

But we must not look with fear, but instead a great deal of Love. For this is the calming elixir for the rage of the snake, as well as the anti-venom.

You can strongly feel the vibrations of the serpent within. As this is the energy permeating the whole of the planet and all who dwell in, on and around it.

And the snake is coiled around the Earth. Searching and watching with a heat seeking tongue and eyes that pierce the darkness.

Just as all snakes crave the heat of the Sun, so does this serpent energy pervading all things, seek out a star to warm its cold-blooded heart.

Woe to those who have been born with the sign of the snake. For they are especially enthralled in this mission for warmth and comfort beneath the starlight.

Seduced by the Princess, clothed in black, and as exciting through mystery as she is entrancing; with her subtle and natural, yet captivating beauty.

She haunts his soul, that heart of the snake has been enthralled and in the fire light of the eyes and glow of the Black Cloth Princess.

A taste of venom?

What does she want?

Why is it that she dare gaze into the eyes of the serpent?

Why doth she charm with her comforts of warmth and light?

For she wants to have no faithful companion. No, instead she drifts and wanders into the minds, hearts and arms of many. Choosing none, bewitching all.

Oh, and how the serpent bares his fangs!

Dripping with poison he aims to strike down the hearts of those others who also bask upon the stone where the Princess shines.

Though he dares not.

For there is always the chance that he will be called by the Black Cloth Princess to coil beneath her flame upon the stone, as the sole companion.

The uncertainty is conflicting and enraging. So much so that every so often the serpent lashes out upon himself.

But how much more can he take?

There is only so much of his own venom that he can endure before he breaks his own heart as it is flooded with the poison of misguided wisdom.

This is the fear that provokes tears. To live in an anguish without a Princess; or to die from his own vicious and deadly bites. Both are like agony.

This is the insanity of romantic love. That focused energy of desire. The powerful wanting of that which is set upon with affection and lust.

So much more so for the snake who is meticulously selective. Taking such care to observe and study with magnificent precision before choosing the soul to mate.

Oh how dangerous this is!

A great peril for the serpent who is bound by wisdom and intellect. As skilled as can be in the art of war and death strike; yet intelligence reserves the war rattle.

Instead the venomous cry.

Moaning and wailing silently to the world. But this is the most horrific noise inside the mind of the snake.

It is torture. To watch the Princess of his desire go this way and that. To dance in the hearts and minds of so many others.

This is a great and grave pain.

Why so does the snake focus so intently?

Because he knows exactly what he wants. The Princess knows exactly what she wants also. But she has been so pained and broken hearted that trust is gone.

Even one so faithful and loyal as this serpent of wisdom who wants nothing more but to gently coil and embrace such a lovely, dark-clad Princess.

The anguish of the venomous weeping is almost unbearable. Were it not for such astounding intellect, it would all fall apart.

So many would die. Stings and bites and fangs and blood.

Yet for the potential love of the Princess in his heart and the wisdom of the mind, this great snake holds back. Lying in wait on the grass.

Such tall, green, wonderful grass. It makes one forget that danger may lurk there. Even so beautiful is the grass that the snake forgets his rage.

For it is not a real rage. It is a self loathing and self pity. For with all his might and power; with all the swiftness of strike and the deadliest of poison; he fears rejection.

A cold-blooded heart is one of solid ice and breaks all the more easily than those warm blooded creatures who share the Earth.

A breaking so thunderous that it shatters silence. It is like a dream quickly becoming a nightmare. Oh how much these tears are soaking the ground.

Mud becomes of the soil as if it were raining down from the heavens. Even on this bright day, lit far and wide by the light of the Black Cloth Princess; a dark cloud rains.

A personal storm that only the snake wades in. For it is a pool of his own tears. Tears made of venom. A poisonous rain.

Paralyzed by fear; drowning in tears.

This is so pathetic. How the insanity of this so called “love”; this thirst and lust for the beauty and the body of the alluring Black Cloth Princess.

The Princess so lovely.

These tears so ugly.

Made of poison they do kill. But it is slow for the snake who is the one who makes his own bath of venom.

Crying and dying all the same for the romance he has not the courage to ignite. Afraid of the finality of it all. Dreading the long search for another “perfect” Princess.

This is the burden that must be bore. The horror created inside the mind and planted in the fiery heart of the dreaded serpent. Most dangerous to himself.

As he lay dreaming; coiled in sleep, crying in a heap, the poison pool steaming. Blood boiling and a heart beating like the drums of war.

The Tears Of The Serpent Flow Freely. But this is short lived. For the pain is also intoxicating and a reminder of his great and Royal Power.

Instead of drowning The Fire Snake drinks in the pool of tears. He may cry himself to sleep but shall rise in flame the next light of day.

For who needs the light and heat of a Princess, or anyone else for that matter, when you are the most sensuous and infernal embodiment of fire itself?

It is not long before the Fire-Snake rises from the pity and self doubt and conquers first himself, and then all else that be in his path.

There is no challenge that can not be overcome. There is no Princess heart that can not be won. All you must do is remain faithful to who you really are.

You are the Fire Of Love itself. There is nothing but goodwill in your heart and passion you wish to give to any worthy princess.

There is honor; there is valor; there is nobility, might and power. Yes we have seen the frailty. But it was momentary.

The tears of the serpent are now waves of power.

There is always triumph. There is always gain for all. There is always the best of the best to be had even when we fall. Rise and rise almighty viper of flame.

Live eternally in the light of the day you create.

You live in power and song; When the Venomous Cry.

Fifty Pieces Of Grey: Dismembering Hostile Aliens With A Sword

Dismembering Hostile Aliens With A Sword

Fifty Pieces Of Grey

I think you are a stupid asshole if you think that there are a bunch of aliens running around the Universe doing goodwill for less advanced beings.

I have not had any really good experiences with aliens. Especially not the so-called “greys”. Kick those little muther fuckers’ asses!

But much better than that; we should be Dismembering Hostile Aliens With A Sword!

So what they have death rays and laser guns? A little old school technology goes a long way. I once stopped an abduction with my thumb!

So use your sword to chop those bug-eyed, scary, human molesting bastards into pieces!

An Alien Pandemic

There are people all over the world reporting that these alien “visitors” are doing sexual and reproductive experiments on us.

This is so that they can slowly infiltrate and take over humanity by creating half human, half alien beings that some call “HumAliens”.

I don’t mind a bit of biotechnology here and there. but when you take into consideration that BioTech giant Monsanto’s name means “Moon-Saint”; there is a little cause for concern.

There are many theorists and journalists that have documented and written books about the moon being artificially manufactured and parked in orbit.

But forget about all that. Haven’t YOU had a few way too close encounters of ANY kind?!

Or else why on Earth are you reading this?

There is something going on and I am not going to just lay still in my slumber to be raped and experimented on by these ghouls!

Sure, we here on Earth experiment on “lower animals” like monkeys and mice, but I don’t do that shit and certainly do not endorse it.

So we need to fight back against the little grey boogers who think they can just come down here and fuck with us.

And using a sword is a great place to start. You can get them easily and stock pile them to the roof if you wish.

No permit required. Take ’em back to the medieval times and slice them into ribbons! Time to make 50-pieces of grey!

Splatter time. And it doesn’t need to be clean. Just swing the fuck out of the sharp end of your sword at them and hit em wherever you can.

They have a lot of technology, but when they scale down their vibes to this Earth realm, they are weak, rubbery little shits.

Basic Sword Training BootCamp

It helps to learn how to swing a sword a little. Don’t fucken chop your leg of in the process.

But if you’ve ever swung a baseball bat that may be good enough if your muscle memory is in good working order.

You should do everything within your sword swinging power to cut these assholes up into as many pieces as possible.

That is unless we find out that cutting them up just multiplies them by their parts growing into fully functioning clones!

Then we are in trouble. What to do then?

Should we use water like in that stupid movie where the greys try to take over a mostly water covered planet?

And then they get their asses kicked by farmers with bats.

Stupid aliens!

So slice and dice the hell out of them with your swords!

And if you don’t have even one sword, then I suggest you get your hands on a few. Because it is goin’ down my friends!

Sooner than you think it is happening. And if you aint ready then you are going to be fucked by your ignorance.

Sure, we may fall to their superior technology. But does that mean we have to go down on our knees like bitches?

Hell No.

Independence Day For Earth

I am not going to. And you should stand and fight with me like a fucking No Limit Ninja Soldier!

Take them back to the land of the Samurai with your Shinobi self. This is intergalactic war.

Some say don’t bring a knife to a gun fight; but if they can travel across galaxies to get here and rape people to make disgusting hybrid babies, whatever we got is going to be just as primitive in comparison anyway.

And you might as well use one of the oldest weapons on Earth. The sword of course!

50-pieces of grey splattered everywhere.


Because they fucked with me one time too many. And if you are reading this, then you have probably been messed with also.

And it isn’t very nice is it?

They could at least offer to buy me dinner first and maybe a cigarette after right?

Even though I HATE cigarette smokers and people who don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom.

But its the thought that counts. And they don’t even ask permission. So fuck ’em.

It is a fucked up Universe my friend. But only if you are the one getting fucked up! You can and should be doing some of the fucking up of shit yourself.

Pride Before The Fall

Don’t go out like a whiny little bitch. It’s not worth it. Go out swinging your sharpened blade in a blaze of alien dismembering glory.

This is the stuff of myth and legend. And you want to be remembered as one who fought for humanity.

Not the asshole who shit all over themselves and cried while they were dominated, raped and destroyed by a two foot tall grey piece of snot!

This is war for real homie. I’m not playing. The pen is not mightier than the sword unless it is SwordPaper.

Blood, Blades and Serenades.

It is time to begin dismembering hostile aliens with a sword and making art with fifty pieces of grey.

Swing like you mean it.

Piss And Cigarettes: Wash Your Hands And Die

Wash Your Hands And Die

Piss And Cigarettes

I once heard some degenerate cigarette smoker complaining that California was full of Nazis because there has been a limitation on smoking indoors and from a certain distance of businesses.

He claimed there was no scientific evidence of there being any harm from second hand smoke.

The CDC says otherwise.

Gamma Alpha Gamma – GAG

I hope that he and all of the others smokers die very slow and painful deaths.

Our planet is overpopulated as it is. We need new ways to Sacrifice The Masses.

Some Kills

Some Kills (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It is actually a testament of the absolute stupidity of human beings. that cigarette smoking is still a common habit.

Just like the people who somehow manage to become crack addicts and alcoholics; even after we have seen what crack addicts are like.

You’ve got to love the suicide of it all.

The idiots are all wiping themselves out and ensuring that their health will not pass the test when the meteor-asteroid ships come for evacuation.

It is an unfathomable stupidity to me. Once a smoker due to experimentation the habit was quickly and easily dropped because of the detriment.

And those horribly stinking cigars. You humans are such pathetic fools the pass-times and habits you think you are enjoying.

Instead you are just destroying yourselves (thankfully).

Delta Iota Epsilon – DIE

I see waaaaay too many dudes in the “bathrooms” leaving a piss and then leaving without washing their hands.

You are disgusting maggots and should choke on feces!

Eat shit and die like a fly, good-bye. Anything that eats shit should have a short life-span like flies.

And you non-hand washing cretin are no more valuable. Filthy fuck that you are. How do you have no courtesy for others?

Not everybody wants to touch your penis juice you sick, nasty infidel.

Wash your fucking hands after you use the toilet. How fucken hard is this?

There are sinks and soap and paper towels and air dryers and stuff. And you just zip it up and walk out. Touching the door handle and all.

Fuck you.

Such terrible hygiene. And then you eat food and shake other people’s hands. This is why I do my best to avoid touching any of you dirt-bags.

It’s nasty. And you deserve to die by the edge of a sword or something.

But I have noticed that the ones who DO NOT wash their hands are more likely to be filthy, degenerate, loser cigarette smokers.

So death will soon be yours. And  wish it to be very slow and painful and smelly. You know urine smells awful when it sits around for a reason.

It is waste!

And you are a waste of life. So die. God made a mistake.


Seriously, you “people” are gross and you should know better. But this world is full of stupid fuck-ups like you, who have no consideration for anyone else.

if you did, you would not smoke outside of places where there are babies and small children like it is no issue.

I have been to Las Vegas and walked through the casinos where all the degenerate gamblers are hanging out and smoking.

Do you know that just from this it was painful to speak and swallow my own saliva for a week?

Imagine what this does to small children. The same happened to a non-smoking friend of mine when she visited Las Vegas.

You are an asshole and you should be ashamed of yourself and wash your hands. What is this all about?

Fuck The World

I do not want to have anything to do with your piss and cigarettes. If it were up to me I would round you all up for extermination.

So you are fortunate it is not up to me, Yet.

For now I trust that you will die slowly from a smoking related disease and maybe make one of your own children or family member sick from your piss hands.

Then they will die slowly too. And you will suffer agony. Not knowing why. But I am just glad that you will suffer.

Because you do not care for anyone else and so will Gag and Die. I pray for it because I know God let’s me have free will to pray as I wish.

And so it is. Amen-Ra muther-fucker. May the Sun no-longer shine on your slow-dying and soon to be rotting corpse.

How To Chop A Body In Half With A Sword: Cut Of The Carriage Wheel

Cut Of The Carriage Wheel

How To Chop A Body In Half With A Sword

I am sure you have seen a carriage wheel. You must understand I am not discussing a baby carriage here.

We should be more focused on the type of carriage that carries adult humans and is drawn by horses. These are big wheels.

They have a large circumference and sweep out a large arc. By studying the carriage wheel, you will learn how to slice a body in two pieces.

The area to ficus on and target for the cut of the carriage wheel is directly below the navel.

Although there might be a great deal of muscle and viscera, here is the least amount of resistance from bone. Only the lumbar spine is in the way.

The Axle Is he Axis From Where You Swing The Axes

An axe or a sword. Either weapon is effective. Whichever you choose to use or happen to have on hand will benefit from the Cut of the Carriage Wheel.

You must first think of your body as the axle of the carriage wheel.

But the wheel is turned on its side as if the carriage has tipped over. Your body would be like a tent pole sticking out of the ground.

Your cut is to trace out the full circumference of the carriage wheel that is rotating on this axis.

You are to slice with the intention and force to bring your swing around a full 360 degrees.

The point that you make contact with the torso directly below the belly button and right above the hip bone is the point where you return.

This is the greatest definition of a full swing in action.

The Beginning Is The End

To attempt and successfully complete the cut of the carriage wheel, is to end the confrontation as it begins.

Even if the full bisection is not accomplished, there is very little chance of recovery for your enemy on the blade end of this special delivery.

In every way the cut of the carriage wheel is a complete and total package. The cut begins where it ends and the fight ends where it begins.

This is always a very gory blade strike and you should be prepared to be soaked and bathed in a lot of blood.

The cut of the carriage wheel for this bloody reason is also a fantastic psychological operation.

It is very traumatizing to the friends of your enemies to see their ally severed in half and the great deal of blood that is set flying about.

Either witnessing the cut in action or the aftermath provides a high level of fright and intimidation.

Shoots and Bladders

As with anything, practice is the mother of skill. Especially the skill to kill.

A few suggested targets to get the real feel of the sword slicing through flesh and bone are bamboo shoots and eventually moving on to tree trunks of increasing thickness.

If you have happened to capture any prisoners of war who are on Death Row, you can use them as still targets. But this can create a big mess at home base.

Would not you prefer to leave the clean-up behind enemy lines? But you may have a really good hazardous materials and sanitation department.

So the option is yours whether or not you practice slicing through tree trunks and human trunks; bamboo shoots and bladders.

A Perfect Circle

By practicing and perfecting the cut of the carriage wheel, you are certain to bring your skills to a much higher level and come full circle with your ability to cut through the competition.

Massive Decapitation: Cutting Off Lots Of Heads

Cutting Off Lots Of Heads

Massive Decapitation

Swing that blade in an X-pattern as you advance towards your enemies and victims.

That will not chop off skulls at the neck right away, but it will drop them to the floor with major lacerations just long enough for you to cut off their fucking head.

This is going to be bloody, buddy.

But they should not have fucked with you; a man with a few swords and the skills to use them.

What were they thinking? Stinking thinking I bet!

And now their headless corpses shall be rotting and stinking in a body pile six-miles-deep.

Let them draw their own sword or even a gun. There is absolutely no defense against a blade made of INFALLIUM!

Deflect bullets and slice through their bodies and then take their heads!

Feel the warm blood spray upon your face as you drink it in.

Watch the crimson showers spurting six-feet-high from their jugular veins!

But make sure that they feel the pain and agony first. Make it a torment and torture of the most refined kind.

This means that you don’t take the head on the first cut. You may use “The Cut of the Carriage Wheel” to bisect them horizontally at the waist.

Severing spines and the torso disconnects from the bottom half.

Samurai says; Everyday to sharpen and clean your blade.

For the most effective slice. So you don’t have to hack twice.”

And use that diagonal X-pattern slice to power them to the floor.

Then you take an arm, take a leg, impale them a few times while they are alive for maximum hurt.

Small digits like fingers and toes are more than appropriate. It will leave them defenseless for all the other methods of anguish.

Gouge through the ears and the eyes. You can even saw slowly through the bone instead of a single, powerful, clean slice through.

Using the Musashi, two-sword, Ichi Method is a lot of fun. You can take out a leg below or above the knee while you slash the torso.

Maybe remove an arm while at the same time running through the liver or kidneys.

Whatever you do, when it is one on one, go for maximum torture by taking a long, long time to orchestrate a slow, slow death.

For groups you can hack away on a maniacal attack. The sheer chaotic randomness and frenzied pace of the violence is sure to leave many severely injured but still alive to finish off after you have cut down a few dozen.

Do not be concerned about body-armor or shielding of any kind. There is no material yet known outside of our armory labs that can withstand INFALLIUM.

Blades of this quality and of this finely engineered substance will make any other object seem to be like butter to a Sun-hot knife.

So slice, hack, cut, sever, stab, impale and cut down every adversary before you.

Swim in, bathe in and drink the blood.

And by all means, please make them suffer. We need lots of fear and screams to fuel our machines of hate.

Collect as many souvenirs as possible to bring back home when you are through cutting off lots of heads for the day.

You are more than ready to begin your missions of massive decapitation.

Happy Hacking!